How Chicago’s Phase IV Reopening Guidelines Impact Condo Associations
October 1, 2020
Read Time
1 minute

As part of the City of Chicago’s Phase IV Reopening Guidelines, several new updated guidelines went into effect on October 1, 2020 (available here). While these guidelines are recommendations only (not mandatory), and many relate to the reopening of businesses, the following updated guidelines are of important note for condominium associations:
- Fitness Centers. Maximum group size for health and fitness classes is increased to 15 individuals, while practicing social distancing, or maximum 40% capacity (whichever is fewer);
- Guest Entry at Residential Properties. Residential property managers are asked to continue limiting guest entry to five (5) people for single-member households such that total indoor gatherings do not exceed six (6) people;
- Out-of-school programs. Maximum number of cohorts for out-of-school programs is increased from 10 to 15 individuals
As noted above, the foregoing recommendations are not mandatory, and boards can adopt stricter restrictions or keep amenities closed rather than opening and burdening staff with sanitizing and enforcing social distancing and worrying about potential liability issues. Ultimately, each association needs to continue to determine whether (and under what protocols) they are comfortable reopening common amenities, as the health and safety of residents and staff comes first.